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3Shape servicepakketten

Ontdek de nieuwe servicepakketten van 3Shape: TRIOS Care & TRIOS Only

3Shape has introduced new and improved flexible service agreements for TRIOS: TRIOS Care and TRIOS Only.

Here’s an overview:

  • TRIOS Care
    A major upgrade from our CliniCare service agreement, TRIOS Care provides exceptional benefits, like a 5-year full warranty, express replacement service* for faulty systems, 1:1 Academy trainings, and more—to give you complete peace of mind.
  • TRIOS Only
    The new basic scan-ready service agreement with zero ongoing fees. TRIOS Only includes core TRIOS software and scanning functionality with no monthly cost

Here’s how to upgrade to TRIOS Care

Existing customers can simply upgrade to TRIOS Care for a small cost. Upgrading means that you will continue to enjoy the same benefits as before, but additionally, you’ll now receive express scanner replacement service, drop insurance, extended warranty, and Academy training points.

All 3Shape CliniCare users can take advantage of TRIOS Care from January 2022. From that time, you can start upgrading to TRIOS Care by paying the difference between your current subscription and the TRIOS Care price.

Please remember, this can only take place when your current subscription expires.

For example, if your CliniCare subscription expires in March 2022, then you can migrate to TRIOS Care in March 2022, but not before. When you join TRIOS Care you commit for 24 months, after which you may choose to opt-down to TRIOS Only.

We believe that this 24-month commitment period to TRIOS Care is a fair way to honor the mandatory subscription that your TRIOS was sold with, but more importantly, provide you with outstanding new service.

To find out more: review our FAQ


*varies by country